Patient Satisfaction, Patient Engagement, and Revenue Growth

Digital Transformation in Healthcare emphasizes the Digital Front Door and the opportunities to improve patient outcomes and operational efficiency. Digital Tools have the potential to reduce inefficiencies, improve access, increase quality outcomes, and reduce costs because of the potential to personalize care.
Lincata offers the swiftest solution to personalized care by intelligently connecting a Health Systems marketing, educational and clinical content to existing in-room TVs when the patient is a captive audience. The positive clinical and entertainment experience not only leads to loyal patients but also directly contribute to better outcomes and higher revenue when the patient confirms their next appointment before discharge.
The use of digital technologies have the greatest chance of securing revenue for Health Systems and provide innovative ways to reach patients. The following sources, both past and present, review why digital solutions will better the patient, the system and the industry.
1. On the Relationship Between Experience and Revenue
The value of patient experience: Hospitals with better patient-reported experience perform better financially From Deloitte
2. Indications of How Patient Satisfaction Motivates Loyalty
From NIH National Library of Medicine
3. How Patient Engagement Comes from Patient Engagement Technologies
From Tech Target Patient Engagement HIT
Share your thoughts on digital transformation's contributions to patient engagement and satisfaction when you contact us.
About Lincata
Lincata is an in-room digital marketing platform that intelligently connects your hospital's existing TVs to your marketing content and digital strategy for the purposes of increasing revenue, reducing re-admissions and delivering quality outcomes. By linking in-room patient data with coordinated vertical services and relevant patient education content on screen, the Lincata platform increases loyalty to your Health System among patients at the very best possible time: when patients are focused on their care and physically present to understand next steps. Lincata delivers your branded content all while providing the highest level of entertainment and effortlessly complementing clinical workflows. Lincata is the North American division of Lincor. Based in Nashville, Lincata’s unique and leading in-room marketing platform has been used for more than a decade by many health systems across the world.